Brother Guy Consolmagno SJ is Director of the the Vatican Observatory and President of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. A native of Detroit, Michigan, he earned undergraduate and masters' degrees from MIT, and a Ph. D. in Planetary Science from the University of Arizona; he was a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard and MIT, served in the US Peace Corps (Kenya), and taught university physics at Lafayette College before entering the Jesuits in 1989.
At the Vatican Observatory since 1993, his research explores connections between meteorites, asteroids, and the evolution of small solar system bodies, observing Kuiper Belt comets with the Vatican's 1.8 meter telescope in Arizona, and applying his measure of meteorite physical properties to understanding asteroid origins and structure. Along with more than 200 scientific publications, he is the author of a number of popular books including Turn Left at Orion (with Dan Davis), and most recently Would You Baptize an Extraterrestial? (with Father Paul Mueller, SJ). He also has hosted science programs for BBC Radio 4, been interviewed in numerous documentary films, appeared on The Colbert Report, and for more than ten years he has written a monthly science column for the British Catholic magazine, The Tablet.
Dr. Consolmagno's work has taken him to every continent on Earth; for example, in 1996 he spent six weeks collecting meteorites with a NASA team on the blue ice regions of East Antarctica. He has served on the governing boards of the Meteoritical Society; the American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences (of which he was chair in 2006-2007); and IAU Commission 16 (Planets and Satellites). In 2000, the small bodies nomenclature committee of the IAU named an asteroid, 4597 Consolmagno, in recognition of his work. In 2014 he received the Carl Sagan Medal from the American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences for excellence in public communication in planetary sciences.
Nancy Miller is a veteran television series producer and writer. She most recently was a consulting producer on Nashville. Before that, she served as executive producer on Lifetime’s series Against the Wall. She created the acclaimed TNT series Saving Grace which starred Academy Award winner Holly Hunter. The series is the fourth original series created by Miller.
Miller also created and served as executive producer on the successful drama series Leaving L.A. and the highly popular series Any Day Now starring Annie Potts. She created and produced the television series The Round Table. She’s worked on many other shows, including CSI: Miami, The Closer and whoever would hire her. Any Day Now won The Christopher Award, The Gabriel Award, and The Gracie.
She attended Grade School at Christ the King, High School at Bishop McGuinness and College at the University of Oklahoma.
After college She was a Vista Volunteer (now called AmeriCorps Vista) for one year. She worked with juvenile offenders in Beaumont, Texas.
Then she moved to LA. She studied screenwriting and wrote scripts as she bartended to pay the bills. Slowly She sold a few scripts, then got on staff for a show called Mike Hammer. And so began selling whatever scripts to whatever TV shows She could. Many are shows that you've never heard about, and some are shows that you have...including CSI Miami, The Closer, The Profiler, Nashville.
After 36 years, She has moved home. She have several projects in development, including writing the script for a movie about Blessed Stanley Rother; a miniseries with Oprah Winfrey that stars Octavia Spencer; and a series starring Melina Kanakaredes.
She is a member of Christ the King parish here in Oklahoma City.
Patrick Madrid hosts the popular "Patrick Madrid Show" radio program which airs on 130 stations across the U.S. Monday through Friday (9:00am - noon ET). Relevant Radio produces and distributes the show.
The Patrick Madrid Show airs daily in many major markets and over a hundred cities across the U.S. (stations).
In 2012 Patrick launched the daily "Right Here, Right Now" radio show on Immaculate Heart Radio, which he hosted till early 2015, heard on approximately 300 AM & FM stations across the U.S., as well as on Sirius Satellite Radio, and globally via shortwave. From 2007-2012 Patrick hosted EWTN's Thursday edition of the "Open Line" broadcast.
He also wrote and hosted several EWTN television series, including "Pope Fiction", "Search and Rescue," and "Where is That in the Bible?" He is a regular guest on the "Catholic Answers Live" radio program.
Patrick established the Envoy Institute in 1996 and, from 1996-2011, published the quarterly Catholic journal, Envoy Magazine. The Envoy Institute also conducts the Catholic Apologetic Academy and Catholic Apologetic Summer Camp.
He has authored or edited 25 books including, Why Be Catholic?, Life Lessons: 50 Things I Learned in My First 50 Years, How to do Apologetics, Pope Fiction, Search and Rescue, Does the Bible Really Say That? Envoy for Christ: 25 Years as a Catholic Apologist, and the multi-volume Surprised by Truth series. His total books sales exceed a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions.
As the founder of The Catholic Guy Ministry, Bruce provides leadership and vision. As a teenage boy he felt that God has put on his heart a calling to proclaim the Gospel in ways that takes the same message of the Church and communicate it in fresh ways and to raise up as many other people as possible to do this.
He speaks frequently at conferences, travels extensively for ministry and delivers Messages that are seen around the world. He and his wife have five children and six grandchildren.