These funds were used for The Mount's 2nd Annual "Elementary/Junior High STEM Day" for the feeder schools. Activities for the day included: hands-on activities in science, technology, and math, as well as interactive activities in engineering.
A primary goal for Mount St. Mary STEM club is to create science outreach opportunities with our archdiocesan elementary and middle schools. The STEM Day at The Mount project provides middle school students the opportunity to experience activities related to science, technology, engineering and math content areas, they may not otherwise be able to experience at their local school site. The overarching ideas for this project are to 1) promote learning opportunities that inspire an interest in STEM content areas and/or career fields, 2) encourage critical thinking skills that allow students to wonder about their world, and 3) inspire the next generation of STEM innovators.
The impact of "STEM Day at the Mount" project on our K-12 community is two-fold. First, by participating in meaningful activities aimed at sparking a love for science, technology, engineering and math subjects, middle school students leave our campus inspired to learn more about these content areas. Second, this project provides a unique opportunity for the involved high school students to act as mentors to younger students. By taking on a mentorship role, MSM students expressed a deeper level of respect for the teaching and learning process, as well as showed increased confidence in the subject matter for which they mentored/taught.